Last Dollar Scholarship

Students attending Indian Hills Community College may qualify for the Future Ready Iowa Last-Dollar Scholarship. 

The scholarship is intended to cover tuition for students in fields that lead to high-demand jobs in Iowa. If a student's existing state and federal aid programs do not cover the entire cost for a diploma or associate degree at Indian Hills, the Last-Dollar Scholarship will fill the gap. Eligible programs may change from year to year, so please make sure to check if your program is covered by reviewing our listing of programs per academic year (listed below).

To be eligible, students must enroll at least half-time for the 2024-2025 year. All students must attend orientation, meet with an advisor, remain continuously enrolled, and make satisfactory academic progress (SAP). UPDATE FOR 2024-2025: all eligible students must have filed the 2024-2025 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) by December 31, 2024 (previously July 15, 2024 – extended by the Iowa Department of Education 10/18/24). Qualified students will need to reapply each year.

In the event that available funds are insufficient to pay the full amount of each approved grant, the Iowa Department of Education has the authority to administratively reduce the award. As a recipient of the Future Ready Iowa Last-Dollar Scholarship, students must meet certain criteria to keep the scholarship. Visit for more information about ongoing requirements.

Students must also have a Student Aid Index (SAI - formerly EFC) of less than $20,000 to qualify (Senate File 560: Education Appropriations Bill, signed 06/01/23). Please see the letter of explanation from Iowa College Aid regarding the SAI requirement. If you’d like to estimate your SAI, please use the Federal Student Aid Estimator


Our School Code: 008298     COMPLETE MY FAFSA

2023-2024 Academic Programs 2024-2025 Academic Programs
Administrative Support Specialist Accounting Assistant, Diploma
Animal Science* Accounting Specialist, A.A.S.
Associate Degree Nursing  Administrative Support Specialist, Diploma
Automotive Technology  Agriculture-Animal Science, A.A.S.*
Aviation Maintenance Technology  Associate Degree Nursing
Business Office Specialist Automotive Technology, A.A.S.
Clinical Laboratory Assistant, Diploma  Aviation Maintenance FAA Airframe, Diploma
Computer Software Development  Aviation Maintenance FAA Powerplant, Diploma
Construction Technology  Aviation Maintenance Technology, A.A.S.
Construction Trades, Diploma Aviation Professional Pilot, A.A.S.
Criminal Justice, A.A.S. Business Office Specialist, A.A.S.
Cybersecurity and Systems Administration Clinical Laboratory Assistant, Diploma
Dental Assisting, Diploma  CNC Milling, Diploma
Dental Hygiene  CNC Turning, Diploma
Diesel Technology  Computer Accounting, Diploma
Electrical & Renewable Energy Technology Computer Software Development, A.A.S.
Electronic Engineering Technology* Construction Technology, A.A.S.
Health Information Technology Construction Trades, Diploma
HVAC and Refrigeration Criminal Justice, A.A.S.
Industrial Maintenance  Culinary Arts, A.A.S.
Interactive Media Technology Cybersecurity & Systems Administration, A.A.S.
IT Fundamentals Diploma Dental Assisting, Diploma
Laser & Optics Technology  Dental Hygiene, A.A.S.
Machine Technology Diesel Mechanics, Diploma
Medical/Insurance Coding  Diesel Technology, A.A.S.
Medical Laboratory Technology  Electrical & Renewable Energy Technology, A.A.S.
Occupational Therapy Assistant  Electronic Engineering Technology, A.A.S.*
Physical Therapist Assistant  Electronic Technician, Diploma
Practical Nursing, Diploma  Health Information Technology, A.A.S.*
Precision Farming* HVAC and Refrigeration, Diploma
Radiologic Technology  Industrial Maintenance, A.A.S.
Robotics/Automation Technology* Industrial Maintenance, Diploma
Welding Technology  Interactive Media Technology, A.A.S.
  IT Fundamentals, Diploma
  Laser & Optics Technology, A.A.S.
  Machine Technology, A.A.S.
  Medical Laboratory Technology, A.A.S.
  Medical/Insurance Coding, Diploma
  Occupational Therapy Assistant, A.A.S.
  Paramedic, A.A.S.*
  Paramedic Core, Diploma*
  Physical Therapist Assistant, A.A.S.
  Practical Nursing, Diploma
  Precision Farming, A.A.S.*
  Radiologic Technology, A.A.S.
  Robotics/Automation Technology, A.A.S.*
  Welding Technician, Diploma
  Welding Technology, A.A.S.



For additional information regarding the Last-Dollar Scholarship please contact the Financial Aid Office at Indian Hills.

Financial Aid Office 
Phone: (641) 683-5262
Email: [email protected]