The CARE Team or Campus Assessment-Response-Evaluation Team provides guidance and assistance to students who are experiencing crisis, displaying odd or unusual behaviors, or engaging in other behaviors that may be perceived as being harmful (either to a student individually or to others). 

The CARE Team is composed of representatives from different areas and departments of Indian Hills Community College. If you would like to speak with a CARE Team campus representative, contact Alix McPherson.

Please note: The CARE Team process will not replace any classroom management procedures, disciplinary measures, and/or responses to public safety incidents.

What to report

Sometimes its difficult to determine what type of student behavior should be reported, but there are often many different warning signs that can indicate a student may be in need of help. Browse the three sections below to help you determine what to look for, what to do, and what to avoid. In general, any type of behavior that disturbs the learning environment at Indian Hills Community College or raises concern for a student's well being should be reported.

What to look for:

  • Anxious student(s)
  • Uncontrolled Anger and/or aggression/violence
  • Depressed and/or lethargic student(s)
  • Serious grade problems
  • Suicidal student(s)
  • Disoriented or unstable
  • Excessive absences
  • Change in personal hygiene
  • Significant weight changes
  • Social withdrawal
  • Signs of injury to self

What to do if you think a student is in distress:

If you are concerned about a student at Indian Hills and feel that they may be in distress, you can refer them to the CARE Team in the referrals section below.

What not to do:

If you are concerned about a student at Indian Hills and feel that they may be in distress, do not:

  • Overwhelm or argue with the student
  • Ignore behavior that may be affecting other students/peers.

Some issues or situations that the CARE Team may respond to can include, but are not limited to:

  • Suicide
  • Eating Disorders
  • Cutting
  • Serious Injury or Illness
  • Death of a Student(s)
  • Missing Student(s)
  • Sexual assault
  • Feeling of immediate danger and/or harm
  • Worrisome or unusual behavior
  • Disorderly conduct in the classroom
  • Threats, stalking, intimidation
  • Hate Crimes


While many students may seek out help on their own, the CARE Team also accepts referrals and responds from students, families, faculty, and staff.  All reports submitted through CARE reporting form are protected under FERPA privacy regulations. 

Make a referral to the CARE Team >

Please note: This referral system is NOT an emergency reporting system. This information may not be accessed for up to 48 hours following the report. For emergencies call 911 or Campus Security at (641) 683-5300.

See our F&Q's for Health and Wellness.


Contact a CARE Team Representative

mcpherson_profileAlix McPherson, Early Alert Specialist
(CARE Team Representative)
Indian Hills Community College

525 Grandview Avenue Ottumwa, Iowa 52501

Phone: (641) 683-5155, ext. 1836 or (800) 726-2585, ext. 5155
Email: [email protected]