General Interest Programs

Browse through a large variety of fun classes designed for individuals interested in taking a course for personal enrichment!

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Continuing Education Marketplace  


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Fitness  Food & Entertainment  Educational Music 
  Dog Training: Manners, Obedience and Behavior    Sign Language    

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New General Interest Site

Dog Training: Manners, Obedience and Behavior

Whether you’ve got a brand new puppy needing to build a strong foundation or your dreams for dog ownership are already drowning in chewed up furniture, constant barking, or walks where you hang on for dear life, you’ve come to the right place.

Good Manners Group Class focuses on helping you build a strong foundation for the behaviors you desire in your dog. Besides learning basic commands like sit, down, stay, and come, you’ll learn how to improve your dog’s focus, self-control, understanding of boundaries, and bond with you. Classes will use positive training methods that help you understand why your dog does what they do and make sure it’s the behaviors YOU like that are rewarded and increased.

Dogs must be at least 8 weeks old and be up to date on vaccines for parvo and rabies. (Puppies must have had at least 2 rounds of vaccines but are not required to have their rabies vaccine until 16 weeks of age.) Dogs who display or have a history of aggressive behaviors towards humans or other dogs will not be allowed in group class. Bulls and Staff Terriers cannot be accepted in this class due to city ordinances. 

The first week is a handlers-only informational session, please bring vaccination records to this class. 

If you would like to register for an upcoming class, please click on the link below to go to our new website. 

Dog Obedience Classes



Online Music Classes for Busy People

Chords are Chords are KeyKey offers crash courses in learning to play piano and guitar.  Thousands of students have attended these classes at colleges from coast to coast.  Now these quality classes are available online.  Check out the  titles below.

To register for a Chords are Key classes click on the link below:

Chords are Key for Piano

Some music teachers may not want you to know this, but you don’t need years of weekly lessons to learn piano.  In just a few hours, you can learn enough secrets of the trade to give you years of musical enjoyment.  How do we do it?  While regular piano teachers teach note reading, piano professionals use chords.  And you can learn all the chords you’ll need to play any simple song in this one session. 

Cost: $59.00  Fee includes the online book and online videos.  Also, a weekly group question and answer session will be available using ZOOM. 

Chords are Key for Playing Piano by Ear

Learn one of music’s deepest mysteries: how to play songs without relying on music.  A very  practical presentation of music theory that includes predicting chord progressions, learning from recordings, and transposing-all expressed in everyday language.  This is an ideal follow-up to the Chords are Key for Piano class and is open to anyone who has a basic understanding of chords on any instrument.  Expand your musical horizons, and free yourself from sheet-music dependencePrior experience with chords recommended.

Cost: $59.00   Fee includes the online book and online videos.  Also, a weekly group question and answer session will be available using ZOOM.

Piano Discount Super Course  - Take BOTH piano classes-Chords are Key for Piano AND Chords are Key for Piano by Ear for a discounted price- only $108.  This is $10 LESS than if you took both classes separately.  Fee includes the online books and online videos.  Also, a weekly group question and answer session will be available using ZOOM.

To register for a Chords are Key classes click on the link below:

Chords are Key for Guitar

Have you ever wanted to learn the guitar but simply find it difficult to find the time?  In just a few hours you can learn enough about playing the guitar to give you years of musical enjoyment, and you won’t have to take private lessons to do it.  This crash course will teach you some basic chords and get you playing along with your favorite songs right away.  You will need an acoustic or electric guitar to take the class. For ages 13+. 

Cost: $59.00   Fee includes the online book and online videos.  Also, a weekly group question and answer session will be available using ZOOM.                                     

To register for a Chords are Key classes click on the link below:


Check back for future classes.

Discovery Flight - Red Bird Simulator

This course is geared for the student who has never flown before or for a pilot who just wants to experience the thrill of flying a full motion simulator.  Participants will meet and get a short orientation to the Redbird Flight Simulator and then discuss the purpose of the course.  Participants will have an hour in the Redbird Simulator to discover the sensation of flight without having to leave the ground. 

Call to register

21/yr VOC 3285 101
North Ottumwa Campus
Aviation Bldg
Rm: 51 - $82.00
B. Hammack

Once you have registered and paid online you will be contacted by the IHCC Aviation Department to schedule a time for your lesson. 

Intro to Blacksmithing

This is a one on one, two-hour class, where you will learn the basics to Blacksmithing. You will learn by doing hands on instruction in the use of the coal forge, anvil, and hand tools. Students will complete three projects, forging an S hook, wardrobe (or J) hook and a drive in hook. All material costs are included in the cost of the class. Once you have registered and paid online the instructor will contact you to schedule a date for your class.

Class will be located at Ye Old Crow Blacksmith Shoppe, Eldon, Iowa.

Call to register

L. Crow



Check back for future classes.

Food & Entertainment 

Check back for future classes.


Please follow the link below for all of our new classes on our new site.

New General Interest Site

Sweat Therapy

Ready for a challenge? High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT for short) is the fastest way to burn fat and get lean. This interval-based class combines full-body strength training with cardio bursts designed to tone your body, improve your endurance and clear your mind. null Have you ever wanted to hire a personal trainer to train you from the comfort of your home? This is your chance. You will join Meredith, and the rest of the participants, via Zoom for this hour class once a week. You will be motivated and encouraged. Meredith will also work with you to develop an eating plan for your specific needs. Bio: Meredith graduated from Central College in 2015 with a degree in Health Promotions and has her Level 1 certification for CrossFit.


Yoga for the Mind and Body

Create balance by developing both strength and flexibility through yoga. Relieve stress, find focus and achieve peace of mind, body and spirit. This class will focus on breathing techniques, stretching, toning, balance and relaxation. Although Yoga is for everyBODY and EVERYbody, many of the yoga positions include floor exercises. If you have physical limitations or questions, please contact us. Yoga blocks are not required but recommended.



Amy HammackAmy Hammack, Coordinator
Indian Hills Community College

525 Grandview Avenue Ottumwa, Iowa 52501

Phone: (641) 683-5216 or (800) 726-2585, ext. 5216
Email: [email protected] 

Continuing Education Course Refund Policy:

In order to qualify for a refund, you must cancel your registration at least 3 business days prior to course start.  If you have not prepaid for the class, charges will be assessed to your account if you do not cancel within the required timeframe or if you do not show up for the class you will be charged.  Exceptions will be made only in extreme circumstances.  To cancel a registration, call us at 1-800-346-4413.