Courses in this area, are designed to allow Firefighters or EMS professionals to continue to grow their skill level. Courses in the EMS area meet the requirements for continuing education.
Found the class you want to take? Great! Click on the register button below to sign up, or browse through this term's available courses to find more classes you may be interested in taking!
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Continuing Education Marketplace
Fire Fighter Courses | EMS Courses |
Fire Fighter Courses and Continuing Education
Fire Fighter I * Fire Fighter II * Pumper Driver/Operator
Indian Hills can offer any of the above three classes at local fire departments through the volunteer firefighter’s training fund with no tuition charges to participants. Classes require a minimum of 12 students to qualify for use of the fund but participants from several departments may be grouped together to meet the minimum. Fire departments are responsible for supplying the appropriate textbook (as applicable) which may be purchased from the FSTB at a discount. Fire departments may maintain books to use on a loan out basis rather than purchasing them every time a course is conducted.
Properly qualified* instructors from your department can be utilized to teach the course(s) or Indian Hills can provide an instructor acceptable to the department. (*Instructors must be certified at the level of course they are teaching and have completed Fire Instructor training and must provide proof of both.)
A FFI class is held in the Ottumwa area every fall with sufficient enrollment. For more information about these courses or to schedule a class contact Lori Reeves at (800) 726-2585, ext. 5337 or (641) 683-5337 or email [email protected].
Ready to register? Click here to go to the Registration button
Annual Fire School
The Indian Hills Fire School will be held March 20, 2021. Click on the link below for more information about the Fire School and information on how to register.
Social Media:
Stay updated with everything at the IHCC Fire School by following our Facebook page!
IHCC Fire School Facebook Page
EMS Continuing Education Courses
24-7 On-line EMS Continuing Education - Tuition $60.00 per seat
Get high-quality video-based CE courses on-line, 24-7. Over 100 courses are available and range from 1-1.5 CEU’s for each class. Professionally produced, award winning videos feature nationally noted EMS subject matter experts Curriculums are structured to maximize learning and retention with integrated video, learning objectives, scenario practices, and support material. CAPCE, formerly CECBEMS (The Continuing Education Board for EMS) certificates may be printed at the end of the course allowing most courses to count as “Formal” or “FE” EMS continuing education for here in Iowa! National Registry has a limits of how many hours may be done via on-line classes, check with them for limits. Iowa has no limit of how many continuing education hours may be done on-line!
A “seat” allows an individual to take as many classes as they would like within a 12-month period, there is no limit! Individuals may register through the on-line registration process for continuing education. Register on-line or by sending payment via mail to include name, address, DOB & email. Once paid and registered participants will receive an email in 1-2 business days with directions to a secure web site and will be given an access code to access the courses and begin their 12-month period of enrollment.
On-line, available 24-7
Tuition: $60.00 per seat
Credit: Each class is worth 1-1.5 CEH’s - approved by CECBEMS (The Continuing Education
Board for EMS)
To register go to the Continuing Education Marketplace button below. Scroll down to the 24/7 EMS Online button.
Continuing Education Marketplace
Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS)
This PHTLS course is a hybrid format, where a portion of the course is taken online in an interactive, web-based format, followed by a one day face-to-face for skill station evaluations. This program is designed to provide the practicing Prehospital and emergency care provider with a specific body of knowledge related to the prehospital assessment and care of the trauma patient. The course is based on the current National Association of Emergency Medical Technician’s (NAEMT’s) Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) 9th edition curriculum. Students are required to obtain a current PHTLS book for this course. Books are available through multiple on-line sources. Prerequisite: Licensure as an EMS provider or nurse. Access to the on-line portion of the course will be provided approximately 10-12 days before class.
Tuition: $175.00, Card: $10.00
(Students must obtain a current 9th edition PHTLS text book on their own)
Credit: 15.25 Contact hours for nursing, 16.5 CEH’s for EMS (FE)
Apr 16 - Apr 16
Ottumwa Campus
Rosenman Ctr, RM: 38
Fri, 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Ready to register? Click here to go to the Registration button
Basic 12 Lead EKG Interpretation
Increase the participant’s knowledge in regards to obtaining and interpreting 12 lead and associated EKGs.
- 7.5 Contact hours for nursing approved by Iowa Board of Nursing, Provider #12
- 9 CEHs for all levels of EMS by Provider # 1500, EMS Sponsor # 20-1500-94 FE
Apr 26 - Apr 26
Ottumwa Campus
Rosenman Ctr, RM: 38
Mon, Tues, 12:30PM - 4:30PM
Tuition: $115.00
Ready to register? Click here to go to the Registration button
Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) and EMT
With a minimum of 10 students a non-credit EMR or EMT class can be held right in your community. Please contact Lori Reeves (641-683-5337, [email protected]) a minimum of 6 weeks prior to anticipated/requested course start. Class schedules are flexible and will be developed based on both community/student needs and instructor availability. An informational meeting can be held with prospective students. Both programs are eligible for GAP tuition assistance. Additional scholarships covering up to 70% of course costs may be available to departments paying for students.
EMR- 66 hours, no clinical or ride time
EMT- 140 hours, 56 hours clinical/ride time.
Emergency Vehicle Operator Safety - EVOS
NAEMT's new EMS Vehicle Operator Safety (EVOS) course addresses the knowledge gap
leads to injuries and deaths, and focuses on the specific behaviors that need to be
changed to
create a culture of safe driving. Drawing on the most current research about the behaviors
and other hazards that lead to crashes, EVOS features case studies and analyses of
common and catastrophic collisions. EVOS challenges EMS practitioners to reconsider
preconceptions about safe vehicle operations. (Classroom only)
Check back for future classes.
EMS Instructor Update
This update is required once each recertification period for EMS instructors who wish to maintain their instructor (T) endorsement.
EMS Evaluator Workshop
This workshop is required for individuals who wish to become evaluators at EMS practical examination testing. Current evaluators are not required to attend this class more than once.
For more information about these courses or to schedule a class contact the Indian Hills representative below:
Lori Reeves, Coordinator
Indian Hills Community College
Phone: (641) 683-5337 or (800) 726-2585, ext. 5337
Email: [email protected]
Continuing Education Course Refund Policy:
In order to qualify for a refund, you must cancel your registration at least 3 business days prior to course start. If you have not prepaid for the class, charges will be assessed to your account if you do not cancel within the required timeframe or if you do not show up for the class you will be charged. Exceptions will be made only in extreme circumstances. To cancel a registration, call us at 1-800-346-4413.