
The Indian Hills Trailblazers, formed in 2010, are a group of retired faculty and staff from Indian Hills Community College. Members of the group remain active in college events, and provide service and support to Indian Hills Community College through special projects and activities, including raising money for student scholarships. The Trailblazers meet quarterly.

View Trailblazers Constitution and By–Laws


Upcoming Events:

Retiree Dinner
Thursday, September 21, 2017

3:00 PM
- Trailblazer's Meeting in Perkins Conference Room
5:00 PM - Social, Indian Hills Dining Hall
6:00 PM - Dinner, Indian Hills Dining Hall

Please RSVP to Becky Henderson at [email protected] or (641) 683-5156 by September 14th.

Second Tuesday Coffee

You're invited to join other Trailblazers at North Hy–Vee, Ottumwa,
on the second Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. for coffee and socializing.

Quarterly Meeting:

October 1, 2015
Quarterly Meeting Agenda
Administrative Conference Room, Administration Building, Main Campus (Ottumwa)
Previous Meeting Agenda: April 2, 2015

Meeting Minutes:

View the list of approved minutes of past Trailblazers meetings. Minutes are listed by meeting date.
To View: Click on the box that says Select past minutes. Choose the meeting date in which you'd like to view and click on it. Then, click the View Selected Minutes button. This will open a PDF file of the minutes you chose.


Trailblazer Memories:

Join us for a trip down memory lane as some of the Indian Hills retirees share their recollections of their time at Indian Hills.  You may click on the person’s name below to read about what he or she shared.

Rhonda ConradRhonda Conrad
Ottumwa, IA

"I really enjoyed the Christmas parties that the Business Tech office used to have on the last day of school before break. Everyone would bring delicious snacks and we enjoyed many different beverages, some alcoholic, and lots of great conversation."

Beth CookBeth Cook
Bloomfield, IA

"There were so many nice students that would stop by my desk and visit. I still have fond memories of many them. Also, I enjoyed meeting people coming in for interviews. I knew they were nervous and I tried to make them feel as relaxed as possible."

Bill MatkovichBill Matkovich
Centerville, IA

"All great memories!"


Bob MorrisseyBob Morrissey
Ottumwa, IA

"Indian Hills has not become what it is today by accident. It is the result of the talents, dedication, and blood, sweat, and tears of many. My hope is that this same spirit remains an integral ingredient of this great college in the years to come."

Connie MillardConnie Millard
Ottumwa, IA

"I enjoyed all of the fundraisers at the college, especially the annual IHCC auction. For many years I chaired the “Celebrity Booth” and received autographed pictures, baseballs, and basketballs to sell in my booth."

David McQuoidDavid McQuoid
Keosauqua, IA

"One of the first days of the term, I taught Styrofoam cup bomb making. This project was to show when they are in a confined space what can happen with mixed gases. Bob Wells and John Vandello were giving a tour of the new facilities to some dignitaries when I set off the bomb. It was quite an explosion!"

Peg FrushourPeg Frushour
Cedar Falls, IA

"My favorite memories are of the students themselves, mainly. Our coaches recruited top
athletes who were also mostly good citizens. I am still in touch with many of them on Facebook.
I still remember how scared Terry Black looked when he was introduced at a basketball event!"

Debbie OverbyDebbie Overby
Ottumwa, IA

"The difference between when I started in 1979 at the Airport Campus and what it was like when I retired was almost unimaginable. In 1979, it was truly a small family and it was like you knew every student and co-worker!"

Keveen MullendoreFloyd H. Dailey
Ottumwa, IA

"Leach tied a softball to Herrington’s door handle. Every time he went around a corner,
it would bang the door. He didn’t find it until evening; he kept looking under the truck."

Keveen MullendoreKeveen Mullendore
Swisher, IA

"I had the best times working the fundraisers—Auction, Golf Tournament, Celebrity Night,
and Ottumwa Pro-balloon Races."

Margaret WoollumsMargaret Woollums
Ottumwa, IA

"I scheduled the use of the auditorium and classrooms by outside groups, so I had a lot of contact with people in the community and I liked that. I, also, really enjoyed the faculty I worked with day in & day out, &, also, my office mates. Linda Mace was my last office mate and she I & are still good friends."

Maxine WhittingtionMaxine Whittington
Ottumwa, IA

"I hope Indian Hills will continue to thrive and expand it's beautiful campuses."


Morris FrisbieMorris Frisbie
Ottumwa, IA

"I was score keeper for the basketball team from 1993 – 2004, through three national
championships, 1997-1999. Attended games in Florida, Nevada, Missouri, Nebraska, &

Sylvia HunoltSylvia Hunolt
Ottumwa, IA

"I enjoyed working with so many dedicated, hardworking, student oriented Indian Hills employees. After
moving to the Ottumwa campus, we watched the campus grow with one new building after the next. I
think the main building was the only building on campus when we moved onto the Ottumwa Campus."

If you would like to share some of your memories, please complete the “IHCC Memories” form, by following the directions below:

1. Download the above Microsoft Word file, accessed by clicking on "IHCC Memories." 
2. Open the file after it has been downloaded, if editing is not enabled, click the Enable Editing button.
3. Type your answers to each of the questions, in the blank spaces provided, (take as much space as needed).
4. Save the document and name the file: firstname_lastname.docx - example (becky_henderson.docx).
5. Finally compose a new email to Becky (information below), and attach the file you have just completed.

Becky Henderson, Scholarship Coordinator
Indian Hills Foundation
525 Grandview Ave
Ottumwa, IA 52501 
Email: [email protected] 
Phone: (641) 683-5156 or (800) 726-2585, ext. 5156

If you are having trouble completing the form or simply have a question, please do not hesitate to
contact Becky, and she would be more than happy to help you.





Catch up on what's going on at Indian Hills:

lifechangingtimes socialmedia


Executive Board

Brenda Ragen President
Vicki Sims Vice President
Connie Millard Secretary
Sylvia Hunolt Treasurer
Rhonda Conrad
Linda Mace
Elaine Schweizer

Committee Members

Ann Allison Linda Marshall Margaret Woollums
Program and Social
Bob Allison Bill Dell Richard Dutton
Linda Farrington Peg Frushour Jerry Harshman


Retiree Directory:

Looking for someone? Contact Becky Henderson at (641) 683-5156 to request a copy of the current Indian Hills Community College Retiree Directory. The directory is available to Indian Hills Retirees only.


Contact Us:

henderson_profileBecky Henderson, Foundation Board Secretary
Indian Hills Community College

525 Grandview Avenue Ottumwa, Iowa 52501

Phone: (641) 683-5156 or (800) 726-2585, ext. 5156